A downloadable game

Players: 3-5 players (one player serves as the referee)

Introduction: Yoga GO! is a real-time card game in which players must use their entire body to play, unlike many card games which are usually seated.

Rules: One player volunteers as the referee. The referee’s job is to draw any card from the deck and present it to the players. The other players must complete the yoga pose demonstrated on the card in the fastest time possible. The last player who completes the pose or does the wrong pose loses one point. If players lose 3 points, they are eliminated from the game.

In order to add challenge to the game, The referee should shuffle the cards so that players can’t predict what pose is going to be demonstrated.

If the player cannot do the pose, they have the option to pass, but they will lose a point in doing so.

If the players complete the pose at around the same time, the referee can call a draw (no one loses points)

Yoga GO! is a reflex game. The goal is to react to the poses as fast as you can.

If you want to mix things up, players can take turns being the referee.

Win Condition: Whoever is the last player standing wins.


Playtest Report: Overall, the playtest for this game went very well. I played with my friends Abby and Janely. Before the playtest, I asked them if they felt like the poses on the cards were doable, to which they both replied yes. I tried to have the easiest yoga poses I could think of and placed them on the cards. During the first round, I served as the referee while Abby and Janely were the players. I tried not to be judgmental and there were a few rounds where I even called a draw. Both players were close, but Abby ultimately won the round. Overall, both my playtesters seemed to really like my game. They both mentioned how they thought it was very creative and innovative in how it incorporates movement into the game. The only criticism they gave is that the game may be easier for people who are more experienced in yoga than others.

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